Kolekce: MK Studio

MK Studio je keramický ateliér, který byl založen v roce 2016 a sídlí v Kodani. Kombinují tradiční řemeslnou práci s moderními technologiemi, jako je 3D tisk a CAD design, a do své ručně vyráběné keramiky vnášejí kreativitu a zároveň technickou zdatnost. Každý kus keramiky je jedinečný a má osobitý vzhled.

Sbalitelný obsah

péče o keramiku

Unglazed porcelain surfaces, are sometimes susceptible to light stains, unlike glazed porcelain. Frequent washing can help remove and prevent staining. All our products can be placed in the dishwasher for daily washing and care. You can also place the item in a bowl of warm water with a detergent tab. Very stubborn stains and spots can sometimes be removed with diluted chlorine and lime remover.

Dark lines in the glaze (usually caused by silverware) can be removed by scrubbing with a sponge with dish soap and baking soda. Grease stains on matte glaze can be removed with baking soda and water.

If greasy fingerprints appear, rub the exposed porcelain with food safe oils, let sit, then clean with soap and water.

It is very important (and we highly suggest) that you let boiling water settle
(stop rolling/bubbling) before pouring it into a tableware item - especially a hand made piece. If the item is very cold to the touch, we also suggest pre-heating it with hot tap water. Pouring boiling water directly into a cool handmade cup, bowl or mug
may cause the item / glaze to crack.